Calvin Theological Seminary

Normierte Form: Calvin Theological Seminary

Calvin theological journal : CTJ

Normierte Form:

Grand Rapids

Normierte Form: Grand Rapids, Michigan

XXI 97
Beitrag des Sammelbandes:

- "Covenant" overload in reformed theology
- "It Varies from Canton to Canton" : Zurich, Basel, and the Swiss Reformation
- 2009 Calvin Bibliography
- A Break with Anti-Judaic Exegesis : John Calvin and the Unity of the Testaments
- A Tale of Two Wills? : Calvin and Amyraut on Ezekiel 18:23
- Calvin and Copernicus : The Problem reconsidered
- Calvin and the Nicodemite Controversy : An Overlooked Text of 1541
- Calvin's Exegesis of Romans 12:8 : Social, Accidental, or Theological?
- Calvin's Understanding of Adam's Relationship to His Posterity : Recent Assertions of the Reformer's "Federalism" Evaluated
- Heiko Oberman and John Calvin
- Hero or Villain? : Interpretation of John Calvin and His Legacy
- Metaphysics and Justification in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Reformed Theology
- The Dicipline of Ethics in early reformed Orthodoxy
- The Spirituality of the Psalter : Metrical Psalms in Liturgy and Life in Calvin's Geneva
- The Starting Point of Calvin's Theology : An Essay-Review