Normierte Form:
- "Dieu nous garde de la messe du chancelier" : The Religious Belief and Political Opinion of Michel de L'Hospital - "Faisant ce qu'il leur vient a plaisir" : The Image of Protestantism in French Catholic Polemic on the Ece of the Religious Wars - "In Paris? Mass, and Well Remenvered!" : Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy and the English Reaction to the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre - "Nager entre deux eaux" : The Princes and the Ambiguities of French Protestantism - "The Ambition for an Illustrious Name" : Humanism, Patronage, and Calvin'S Doctrine of the Calling - A Hotter Sort of Protestantism?: Conparisons between French and Scottish Calvinisms - Adjudicating Memory : Law and Religious Difference in Early Seventeenth-Century France - Back to the Political Narrative in Early Modern France - Bernard Palissy, Prophet of Modern Ceramics - Called to Be a Pastor : Issues of Vocation in the Early Modern Period - Calvin and the Libri Carolini - Calvin's "Argument du livre" (1541) : An Erratum to the McNeill and Battles Institutes - Calvin's Central Dogma Again - Calvin's Judgment of Eusebius of Caesarea : An Analysis - Calvin's Letters to Women : The Courting of Ladies in High Places - Calvin's Mosaic harmony : Biblical Exegesis and Early Modern Legal History - Calvinism, Childhood, and Education : The Evidence from the Genevan Consistory - Carnival in Rouen : A History of the Abbaye des Conards - Clientage During the French Wars of Religion - David in Tempore Belli : Beza's David in the Service of the Huguenots - Disciplina nervus ecclesiae : The Calvinist Reform at Nimes - Domestication a Form : Marot's Epigrammes faictz à l'imitation de Martial - Early French Advocates of Religious Freedom - Eminence over Efficacy: Social Status and Calvalry Service in Sixteenth-Century France - Et aures habentes non auditis : Getting the Message about Images in Sixteenth-Century Amiens - Fatal Lovesickness in Marguerite de Navarre's Heptaméron - French Calvinists as the Children of Israel : An Old Testament Selfconsciousness in Jean Crespin's Histoire des Martyrs before the Wars of Religion - French Protestants in a Position of Strength the Early Years of the Reformation in Caen, 1558-1568 - Gender and the Rhetoric of Martyrdom in Jean Crespin's Histoire des vrays tesmoins - Gender and the Rhetoric of Martyrdom in Jean Crespin's Histoire des vrays tesmoins - Geneva and America in the Renaissance : The Dream of the Huguenot Refuge 1555-1600 - In the Light of Orthodoxy : The "Method and Disposition" of Calvin's Institutio from the Perspective of Calvin's Late-Sixteenth-Century Editors - John Calvin after Five Hundred Years - Life and Impact - John Calvin after Five Hundred Years : Texts and Teaching - Kinship, Identity, and Religion in Sixteenth-Century Toulouse : The Case of Simon Lecomte - Marie Dentière : An Outspoken Reformer Enters the French Literary Canon - Multiconfessional Celebration of the Eucharist in Sixteenth-Century Wesel - Nantes and the Origins of the Catholic League of 1589 - Noble Widows and Estate Management during the French Wars of Religion - Off the Record : Problemens in the Quantification of Calvinist Church Discipline - Old World Images Encounter New World Reality : René Laudonniere and the Timucuans of Florida - On the Front Lines of Coexistence : Courthézon's Consistory in the Early Seventeenth Century - Patriarchs, Polygamy, and private Resistance : John Calvin and Others on Breaking God's Rules - Patriarchs, Polygamy, and Private Resistance : John Calvin's and Others on Breaking God's Rules - Persevering in the Faith : Catholic Worship and Communal Identity in the Wake of the Edict of Nantes - Polemic and History in French Brazil, 1555-1560 - Political Pamphlets in Early Seventeenth-Century France : The Propaganda War between Louis XIII and His Mother, 1619-20 - Predestination and the Ethos of Disinheritance in Sixteenth-Century Calvinist Theater - Radical Beauty : Marguerite de Navarre's Illuminated Protestant Catechism and Confession - Reason in Luther, Calvin, and Sidney - Religion or Rebellion? Justifying the French Wars of Religion and Dutch Revolt in to German Protestantism - Simon Vigor : A Radical Preacher in Sixteenth-Century Paris - Structuring Protestant Scriptural Space in Sixteenth-Century Catholic France - The Christian Social Organism and Social Welfare : The Case of Vives, Calvin and Loyola - The Church Fathers and the Canonicity of the Apocalypse in the Sixteenth Century, Erasmus, Frans Titelmans, and Theodore Beza - The Collegium Mauritianum in Hesse-Kassel and the Making of Calvinist Diplomacy - The Coverture of Widowhood : Heterodox Female Publishers in Antwerp, 1530-1580 - The Edict von Poitiers and the Treaty of Nérac, or Two Steps towards the Edict of Nantes - The Expression of the Idea of Toleration in French during the Sixteenth Century - The Good Shepherd : Francois LePicart (1504-56) and Preaching Reform from Within - The Guises, the Body of Christ, and the Body Politic - The Importance of Being Josiah : An Image of Calvinist Identity - The Language of Citizenship in the French Religious Wars - The Mobilization of Confraternities against the Reformation in France - The Origin of the Word Huguenot - The Origins of Rural Calvinismus in Aunis : The Sphere of Influence of La Rochelle - The Politics of Conversion : John Calvin and the Bishop of Troyes - The Presence and Participation of Laypeople in the Congrégations of the Compagny of Pastors in Geneva - The Rhetoric of Biblical Authority : John Knox and the Question of Women - The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre and Images of Kingship in France: 1572-1574 - The Value of Works in the Theology of Calvin and Beza - Two French Views of the Council of Trent - Urban Values Versus Religious Passion : Chalons-sur-Marne During the Wars of Religion