Scottish Journal of Theology

Normierte Form:

Beitrag des Sammelbandes:

- 'Do you understand what yozu are reading?' : Calvin's Guidance for the the Reading of Scripture
- 'The accomodating act opar excellence?' : an inquiry into the incarnation and Calvin's understanding of accommodation
- An Exchange between Scotland and Germany in 1879 : Ebrard of Erlangen and Matheson of Inellan
- Beza, Guide for the faithfull Life
- Calvin and Christ's Presence in the Supper - True or Real
- Calvin as Analogical Theologian
- Calvin on deification : a reply to Carl Mosser and Jonathan Slater
- Calvin's Baptismal Theology and the Making of the Strasbourg and Genevan Baptismal Liturgies 1540 and 1542
- Calvin's legacy for contemporary Reformed natural law
- Calvin, English Calvinism and the Logic of Doctrinal Develepment
- Climbing Jacob's ladder : John Calvin and the early church on our eucharistic ascent to heaven
- Coming the sermon : the practice of doctrine in the preaching of John Calvin
- Expounding scripture and applying it to our use : Calvin's sermons on Ephesians
- Hermeneutical discontinuity between Calvin and later Calvinism
- Jean-Alphonse Turrettini (1671-1737) on Natural Theology : The Triumpf of Reason over Revelation at the Academy of Geneva
- Johannes Cocceius : Federal Theologian
- John Calvin - an elusive Churchman
- John Calvin : Biblical Preacher (1539-1564)
- John Calvin and the Sensus Literalis
- John Calvin's Christological assertion of Word authority in the context of sixteenth century ecclesiastical polemics
- Putting the 'extra' back into Calvinism
- Responsible Man in Reformed Theology : Calvin versus the Westminster Confession
- Salvation as participation in the humanity of the Mediator in Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion : a reply to Carl Mosser
- The biblical historical structure of Calvin's Institutes
- The Ethical Use of the Old Testament in Luther and Calvin : A Comparison
- The greatest possible blessing : Calvin and deification
- The Humanity of Christ : John Calvin's Understanding of Christ's Vicarious Humanity
- The Soul in Plato, Platonism and Calvin
- Theodore Beza : A Reassessment
- Women and the teaching office according to Calvin
- Zwingli and the Origin of the Reformer Covenant 1524-7