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Oberman, Heiko Augustinus
[Heiko A. Oberman][Heiko Augustinus Oberman]
Liste der Werke:
Anticlericalism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Calvin and Farel : The Dynamics of Legitimation in Early Calvinism
Calvin and Farel : The Dynamics of Legitimation in Early Calvinism
Calvin and Farel : The Dynamics of Legitismation in Early Calvinism
Calvin's Critique of Calvinism
Europa afflicta : The Reformation of the Refugees
Initia Calvini : The Matrix of Calvin's Reformation
Initia Calvini : The matrix of Calvin's Reformation
John Calvin : The Mystery of His Impact
John Calvin and the Reformation of the Refugees
Reformiertes Erbe: Festschrift für Gottfried W. Locher zu seinem 80. Geburtstag; Teil 1
Reformiertes Erbe: Festschrift für Gottfried W. Locher zu seinem 80. Geburtstag; Teil 2
Studies in the history of Christian thought
Subita conversio : The Conversion of John Calvin
The Drawn of the Reformation
The Persuit of Happiness : Calvin between Humanism and Reformation
The Persuit of Happiness : Calvin between Humanism and Reformation
Toward the Recovery of the Historical Calvin
Via Augustini : Augustine in the later Midde Ages, Renaissance and Reformation ; Essays in honior of Damasus Trapp, O. S. A.
Via Calvini : Unlocking the Enigma of John Calvin's Impact
Via Calvini : Zur Enträtselung der Wirkung Calvins
24.11.2022 22:12 / vog