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Neuer Titel
Muller, Richard A.
[Richard A. Muller]
Liste der Werke:
A Tale of Two Wills? : Calvin and Amyraut on Ezekiel 18:23
Ad fontes argumentorum: The Sources of Reformed Theology in the 17. Century
After Calvin: studies in the development of a theological tradition
Biblical interpretation in the era of the Reformation : essays presented to David C. Steinmetz in honor of his sixtieth birthday
Calvin on Sacramental Presence in the Shadow of Marburg and Zurich
Calvin's "Argument du livre" (1541) : An Erratum to the McNeill and Battles Institutes
Christ in the Eschaton : Calvin and Moltmann on the Duration of the munus regium
Church, word and Spirit: Historical and theological essays in honor of Geoffrey W. Bromiley
Directions in Current Calvin Research
From Zürich or from Wittenberg? : An Examination of Calvin's Early Eucharistic Thought
In the Light of Orthodoxy : The "Method and Disposition" of Calvin's Institutio from the Perspective of Calvin's Late-Sixteenth-Century Editors
Ordo docendi : Melanchthon and the Organization of Calvin's Institutes, 1536.1543
The "Reception of Calvin" in Later Reformed Theology : Concluding Thoughts
The Hermeneutic of Promise and Fulfillment in Calvin's Exegesis of the Old Testament Prophecies of the Kingdom
The Placement of Predestination in Reformed Theology : Issue or Non-Issue?
The Starting Point of Calvin's Theology : An Essay-Review
The unaccommodated Calvin: studies in the foundation of a theological tradition
24.11.2022 22:12 / vog