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Kingdon, Robert McCune
[Robert M. Kingdon]
Liste der Werke:
Anticlericalism in the Registers of the Geneva Consistory 1542-1564
Calvin and discipline among French and Italians
Calvin and the Establishment of Consistory Discipline in Geneva : The Institution and the Men who directed ist
Calvin's Ideas About the Diaconate : Social or Theological in Origin?
Catechesis in Calvin's Geneva
Church and Society in Reformation Europe
Confessionalism in Calvin's Geneva
Geneva and the coming of the Wars of Religion in France : 1555-1563
Les idées politiques de Bèze d'apres son Traitté de l'authorité du Magistrat en la punition des hérétiques
Myths about the St. Bartholomew's Day massacres: 1572 - 1576
Nostalgia for Catholic Rituals in Calvin's Geneva
Reforming Geneva: Discipline, faith and anger in Calvin's Geneva
Registres de la compagnie des Pasteurs de Genève au temps de Calvin; Tome Premier: 1546 - 1553
Registres de la compagnie des Pasteurs de Genève au temps de Calvin; Tome Second: 1553 - 1564
Registres du Consistoire de Genève au temps de Calvin
Registres du Consistoire de Geneve au temps de Calvin ; Tome 2: (1545-1546)
Registres du Consistoire de Genève au temps de Calvin ; Tome 3: (1547-1548)
Registres du Consistoire de Geneve au temps de Calvin ; Tome 4 (1548) : avec extraits des Registres du Conseil, 1548-1550
Registres du Consistoire de Geneve au temps de Calvin. Tome 1: (1542-1544)
Some French Reactions to the Council of Trent
The control of morals in Calvin's Geneva
The Deacons in Calvin's Geneva
The First Expression of Theodore Beza's Political Ideas
The Jacques Royer Affair, 1604-1624 : an Argument over Liturgy in Geneva and France
The Political Resistance of the Calvinists in France and the Low Countries
24.11.2022 22:12 / vog