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Irland - Hugenotten - Geschichte
Folgende Titel sind mit diesem Schlagwort belegt:
"Your humble servant": Notes and letters from Portarlington, 1692-1769; A selection of documents
Archbishop Marsh and the Discipline of the French Church of St. Patrick's, Dublin 1694
From strangers to citizens: The integration of immigrant communities in Britain, Ireland, and colonial America, 1550 - 1750
Note sur les Joncourt et la Colonie Huguenote de Dundalk en Irlande
Protestant exiles from France in the reign of Louis XIV.: Or the Huguenot refugees and their descendants in Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 1
Protestant exiles from France in the reign of Louis XIV.: Or the Huguenot refugees and their descendants in Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 2: Refugees naturalized in and after 1681
Protestant exiles from France in the reign of Louis XIV.; Or the Huguenot refugees and their descendants in Great Britain and Ireland
Protestant exiles from France, chiefly in the reign of Louis XIV, or The huguenot refugees and their descendants in Great Britain and Ireland(Volume 2)
Rezension: Horton Davies; Marie-Hélène Davies: French Huguenots in English speaking lands
The Huguenot settlements in Ireland
The Huguenots and Ireland: anatomy of an emigration
The Huguenots, their settlements, churches & industries in England and Ireland
21.11.2022 22:31 / vog