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Calvin, Jean - Christologie
Folgende Titel sind mit diesem Schlagwort belegt:
"...das Gottes rechte Hand allenthalben ist" (Martin Luther) : Die christlogischen Impikationen des reformatorischen Abendmahlsstreits
A Mirror for God and for Us : Christology and Exegesis in Calvin's Doctrine of Election
Calvin's Christ : A Dogmatic Matrix for Discussion of Christ's Human Nature
Calvins Kampf um seine Lehre vom Leiden Christi
Christ comme exemple et patron : Du temps de Calvin et au notre
Christ in the Eschaton : Calvin and Moltmann on the Duration of the munus regium
Christi Königtum bei Johannes Calvin
Christus - Gott und Mensch - Einige Fragen an Calvins Christologie
De gemeenschap met Christus volgens Calvijn, Comrie en Van der Groe
Die Entscheidung der Christologie Calvins und ihre theologische Bedeutung : Das sogenannte Extra-Calvinisticum
Die Lehre von der Königsherrschaft Christi und den zwei Reichen bei Calvin
Imputation and the Christology of Union with Christ : Calvin, Osiander, and the Contemporary Quest for a Reformed Modul
Imputation as Attribution : Union with Christ, Reification and Justification as Declarative Word
Jesus Christ as the Image of God in Calvin's Theology
Jesus Christ in the preaching of Calvin and Schleiermacher
John Calvin's Christological assertion of Word authority in the context of sixteenth century ecclesiastical polemics
Le Christ Médiateur dans la pensée de Calvin
Le Jésus de Luther, de Calvin...et des quelques autres Protestants
Luther and Calvin on Union with Christ
Luther et Calvin en Christologie
Maccovius (1588-1644) in the Son of God as autotheos
Penal Atonement : The Orthodox Teaching of the Fathers and Three Conversations with John Calvin
Perichoresis, Theosis and Union with Christ in the Thought of John Calvin
Salvation as participation in the humanity of the Mediator in Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion : a reply to Carl Mosser
The Humanity of Christ : John Calvin's Understanding of Christ's Vicarious Humanity
The Humanity of Christ : Within Proper Limits
The Incarnation : Christ's Union with Us
The Spiritual Gospel? : Christ and Human Nature in Calvin's Commentary on John
21.11.2022 22:31 / vog