Westminster Theological Journal

Normierte Form:

Beitrag des Sammelbandes:

- "The Sinews of the Body of Christ" : Calvin's Concept of Church Discipline
- An Early Doctrinal Handbook : Farel's Summaire et briefve declaration
- Bernard of Clairvaux in the Thougt of John Calvin
- Calvin on Fundamental Article and Ecclesiastical Union
- Calvin's forgotten classical Position in the Extent of the Atoinement : About Sufficiency, Efficiency, and Anachronism
- Federal Theology in the Sixteenth Century : Two Traditions?
- Guillaume Farel's Spirituality : Leading in Prayer
- Imputation and the Christology of Union with Christ : Calvin, Osiander, and the Contemporary Quest for a Reformed Modul
- John Calvin's Interpretation of Works Righteousness in Ezekiel 18
- John Calvin's Subordinate Doctrine of Justification by Works
- John Knox : A Man of the Old Testament
- Problems with the Patriarchs : John Calvin's Interpretation of Difficult Passages in Genesis
- Reason within the Limits of Revelation alone : John Calvin's Understanding of Human Reason
- Stoic elements in Calvin's doctrine of the Christian life; Part II.: Mortification
- Stoic elements in Calvin's doctrine of the Christian life; Part III.: Christian Moderation
- Supralapsarianism and the role of metaphysics in sixteenth-century reformed theology
- The Christian and the Tyrant : Beza and Knox on Political Resistance Theory
- The thundering Scot : John Knox the Preacher
- Why Calvinists should believe in divine middle knowledge, although they reject Molinism